在利用基因芯片或者RNA-seq做基因表达分析的时候,经常听说生物学重复和技术重复,这篇文章我们就来简单介绍二者的含义。 首先利用一张示意图对二者做一个简单介绍: 使用同一个抽提的RNA...
PCR可以说是目前分子生物学实验中应用最为广泛的一种技术。从最初的在几个水浴锅里把试管放来放去,到现在各种先进的PCR仪, 到REAL TIME PCR。 设备是越来越先进,方法是越来越多,但基本的原...
PacBio Sequences的HDF5格式
HDF5 is a data format designed by National Center for Supercomputing Applications at UIUC to rapidly...
Testing SOAPdenovo2 Prerelease – V (map and scaff)
We would like to complete our description of SOAPdenovo2 commands and get into more interesting topi...
简介 Consed 是一款非常强大的图形化 finish 软件,由 David Gordon 等人于 1998 年发布, 目前已更新至 15.0 版本。 现在 consed 已经成为基因组 finis...
千年基因率先推出454+(GS FLX+)转录组测序
自罗氏旗下454生命科学推出测序读长达1,000 bp的454+(GS FLX+)测序系统以来,千年基因已利用该平台成功开展了大量全基因组测序项目。其中,苣苔的全基因组de novo测序组装已经初步完...
Testing SOAPdenovo2 Prerelease – IV
SOAPdenovo2 runs through the following steps - (i) generate the de Bruijn graph and store it (‘pregr...
Testing SOAPdenovo2 Prelease Version – III
This commentary is a continuation of previous one. We are adding some additional information in case...
Testing SOAPdenovo2 Pre-release Version II:pregraph_sparse
Our earlier commentary on SOAPdenovo2 provided a quick overview of an assembly. In the next few comm...
Testing SOAPdenovo2 Pre-release Version
Opening the zip file: The zip file ‘SOAPdenovo2.zip’ expanded into two programs - i) pregraph_sparse...