最近看到的几篇涉及进化的文章里面都提到selective sweep,特地对这个词进行了了解,搜到了一些资料与大家分享一下。 先贴上维基百科上的介绍: A selective sweep is the...
Pacific Bio用于基因组组装
We are really amateurs, when it comes to Pacific Bio sequences. How amateur are we? A few weeks back...
Pacific Bio Sequences
Pacific bio sequences fall at other extreme from Illumina Solexa data. The reads are very long (~5kB...
[1] Family specific gene prediction software: (1)tRNAscan-SE: Search for tRNA genes in genomic seque...
RNASeq-MATS:Multivariate Analysis of Transcript Splicing
给大家推荐一款最新在Nucleic Acids Research上发表的基于转录组数据分析可变剪接的软件。下面是官方网扎你上的介绍。 MATS is a computational tool to d...
An Intuitive Explanation for Running Velvet with Varying K-mer Sizes
We often run Velvet or other de Bruijn assemblers with varying K-mer sizes (21, 23, 25, 27, etc.) to...
一般在基因组组装中,我们常用的拼接方法是,对测序得到的二代数据直接用soapdenovo等软件进行基因组组装。但是这些方法一般只是适用于单一的基因组序列。 最近做的一个课题是从植物混合测序的数据中(核...
在基因组学研究中,finish一个小的环形基因组,例如线粒体、叶绿体、质粒后,一般都会画一个全基因组的圈图,如下图: 最近我刚好在组装一个植物的细胞器,然后做了这个工作给大家推荐一个画圈图的工具OGD...
Homologous sequences. Orthologs and Paralogs are two types of homologous sequences. Orthology descri...
String Graph of a Genome
Regular readers are familiar with our explanation of de Bruijn graphs through the following steps - ...