Sometimes you might observe very short contigs, some even having high read depth. You might see thes...
Newbler output II: contigs and scaffolds sequence files, and the 454Scaffolds.txt file
The files most people are after when they do an assembly must be these: the actual contig and scaffo...
Newbler output I: the 454NewblerMetrics.txt file
With this post, I’ll start going through the output files newbler generates. Some of these will be d...
Running newbler: de novo transcriptome assembly I
Since version 2.3, newbler has a -cdna option for de novo transcriptome assembly. In this post, I’ll...
The single file I’ll discuss today has in fact almost the entire assembly in it, besides the actual ...
How newbler works
I thought to start by explaining briefly how newbler works. I’ll do this by following the output new...
pearson相关系数是最经常使用的相关系数,一般情况下我们会毫不犹豫的选择它,而大部分情况下都没有考虑到数据是否符合它的假设,如下所示: 1 两个变量间有线性关系 2 变量是连续变量 3 变量均符合...
使用R计算相关系数的函数为: cor.test(X,Y,method="") method可以为"spearman","pearson" and "kendall",分别对应三种相关系数的计算和检验。...
估计进化速率的几种软件: 1 Beast 它使用MCMC的方法进行进化树的构建和一系列参数的估计,而且给出可信度区间。 它的结果比较准确,但是要得到最终的好的结果需要大量的尝试,修改各种参数使得结果最...
在原核生物中,mRNA 只占全部 RNA 的 1-5%,其余绝大部分是 ribosomal RNA,因此若要测序 mRNA 首先必须先将 mRNA 纯化出来,然而,原核生物并不像真核生物 mRNA 具...