With this post, I’ll start going through the output files newbler generates. Some of these will be d...
Running newbler: de novo transcriptome assembly I
Since version 2.3, newbler has a -cdna option for de novo transcriptome assembly. In this post, I’ll...
The single file I’ll discuss today has in fact almost the entire assembly in it, besides the actual ...
How newbler works
I thought to start by explaining briefly how newbler works. I’ll do this by following the output new...
基因组是如何组装的? 答:一般来说,针对以Illumina Gemone Analyzer测序结果为主的组装策略如下: (1)先利用短序列组装软件对paired-end数据进行de novo拼接,组装...
首先引用一下官方对ABYSS的介绍: ABySS is a de novo, parallel, paired-end sequence assembler that is designed for ...
Velvet and Oases For Transcriptome Assembly(基于转录组进行拼接)
首先要有Linux环境的服务器或PC,推荐最低需求: 64bit Linux System (Rethat, CentOS, Fedora), 4 core CPU processors, 2.26G...
Cap3简介 Huang, X. 和 Madan, A 开发的一套用于序列拼接的软件,此软件适用于小的数据集或 EST 拼接,它有如下特征: 利用正反向进行拼接,更正拼接错误、连接 contigs。...