In the post on what is new in newbler version 2.6, I introduced the -scaffold option. Briefly, with ...
Newbler output IV: on ultra-short and single-read contigs
Sometimes you might observe very short contigs, some even having high read depth. You might see thes...
Newbler output II: contigs and scaffolds sequence files, and the 454Scaffolds.txt file
The files most people are after when they do an assembly must be these: the actual contig and scaffo...
Newbler output I: the 454NewblerMetrics.txt file
With this post, I’ll start going through the output files newbler generates. Some of these will be d...
Running newbler: de novo transcriptome assembly I
Since version 2.3, newbler has a -cdna option for de novo transcriptome assembly. In this post, I’ll...
The single file I’ll discuss today has in fact almost the entire assembly in it, besides the actual ...
How newbler works
I thought to start by explaining briefly how newbler works. I’ll do this by following the output new...
454 GS FLX测序原理
454生命科学公司所研发的新一代测序平台基于光纤微流体技术和包裹了待测DNA片段的乳化液滴技术(炸药中的表面活性剂来维持乳液的热稳定性)。基于焦磷酸测序法的超高通量基因组测序系统——Genome Se...