> colors()[c(552,254,26)] [1] "red" "green" "blue" |
> grep("red",colors()) [1] 100 372 373 374 375 376 476 503 504 505 506 507 524 525 526 527 528 552 553 [20] 554 555 556 641 642 643 644 645 > colors()[grep("red",colors())] [1] "darkred" "indianred" "indianred1" "indianred2" [5] "indianred3" "indianred4" "mediumvioletred" "orangered" [9] "orangered1" "orangered2" "orangered3" "orangered4" [13] "palevioletred" "palevioletred1" "palevioletred2" "palevioletred3" [17] "palevioletred4" "red" "red1" "red2" [21] "red3" "red4" "violetred" "violetred1" [25] "violetred2" "violetred3" "violetred4" > colors()[grep("sky",colors())] [1] "deepskyblue" "deepskyblue1" "deepskyblue2" "deepskyblue3" [5] "deepskyblue4" "lightskyblue" "lightskyblue1" "lightskyblue2" [9] "lightskyblue3" "lightskyblue4" "skyblue" "skyblue1" [13] "skyblue2" "skyblue3" "skyblue4" > SetTextContrastColor <- function(color) + { + ifelse( mean(col2rgb(color)) > 127, "black", "white") + } > # Define this array of text contrast colors that correponds to each > # member of the colors() array. > TextContrastColor <- unlist( lapply(colors(), SetTextContrastColor) ) > # 1a. Plot matrix of R colors, in index order, 25 per row. > # This example plots each row of rectangles one at a time. > colCount <- 25 # number per row > rowCount <- 27 > plot( c(1,colCount), c(0,rowCount), type="n", ylab="", xlab="", + axes=FALSE, ylim=c(rowCount,0)) > title("R colors") > > for (j in 0:(rowCount-1)) + { + base <- j*colCount + remaining <- length(colors()) - base + RowSize <- ifelse(remaining < colCount, remaining, colCount) + rect((1:RowSize)-0.5,j-0.5, (1:RowSize)+0.5,j+0.5, + border="black", + col=colors()[base + (1:RowSize)]) + text((1:RowSize), j, paste(base + (1:RowSize)), cex=0.7, + col=TextContrastColor[base + (1:RowSize)]) + } |
> library(RColorBrewer) > display.brewer.all() |
我们看到其中Set3和Paired设定了12种颜色,其余的有多有少,以9种居多。在使用其颜色时,使用brewer.pal(n, name)调用即可,其中n最小值为3最大值为每组预设值数组的长度。比如brewer.pal(12,Paired)
参数 | 描述 |
col | 绘图使用的颜色,许多函数接受一组颜色,并对不同的数据依次使用颜色。 |
col.axis | 坐标轴字符颜色 |
col.lab | x,y坐标标记颜色 |
col.main | 标题颜色 |
col.sub | 副标题颜色 |
fg | 绘图前景色,包括坐标轴,各类boxes |
bg | 绘图背景色 |
> require(graphics) > par(col.axis="green",col.lab="blue",col.main="darkred",fg="white",bg="black") > plot(cars,main="speed vs dist") |