在过去几年各个实验室都开发了不同的Promoter prediction program(启动子预测软件),但每个promoter预测软件设计的立足点各有差异,如何选择一直以来是大家比较关注的问题。
ARTS, CpGcluster, CpGProD, DragonGSF, DragonPF, EP3, Eponine, FirstEF, McPromoter, NNPP2.2, Nscan, Promoter 2.0, PromoterExplorer, PromoterScan, ProSOM, PSPA, Wu-method.
相关论文:Toward a gold standard for promoter prediction evaluation。http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/12/i313.short?rss=1
They report, we decide! :wink:
They used release hg18 of the human genome for all analyses. For the
validation protocols, they use the RefSeq genes downloaded from the UCSC
table browser.