BEDTools是可用于genomic features的比较,相关操作及进行注释的工具。而genomic features通常使用Browser Extensible Data (BED) 或者 General Feature Format (GFF)文件表示,用UCSC Genome Browser进行可视化比较。
已有的一些genome features信息一般由BED格式或者GFF格式进行存储。
genome features: 功能元素(gene), 遗传多态性 (SNPs, INDELs, or structural variants), 已经由测序或者其他方法得到的注释信息,也可以是自定义的一些特征信息。
Overlapping/intersecting features: 两个genome features的区域至少有一个bp的共同片段。
BED文件中起始坐标为0,结束坐标至少是1,; GFF中起始坐标是1而结束坐标至少是1。
BED format
- chrom: 染色体信息, 如chr1, III, myCHrom, contig1112.23, 必须有
- start: genome feature的起始位点,从0开始, 必须有
- end: genome feature的终止位点,至少为1, 必须有
- score: 可以是p值等等一些可以刻量化的数值信息
- strands: 正反链信息
GFF format
seqname - name of the chromosome or scaffold; chromosome names can be given with or without the ‘chr’ prefix. Important note: the seqname must be one used within Ensembl, i.e. a standard chromosome name or an Ensembl identifier such as a scaffold ID, without any additional content such as species or assembly. See the example GFF output below.
source - name of the program that generated this feature, or the data source (database or project name)
feature - feature type name, e.g. Gene, Variation, Similarity
start - Start position of the feature, with sequence numbering starting at 1.end - End position of the feature, with sequence numbering starting at 1.
score - A floating point value.strand - defined as + (forward) or - (reverse).
frame - One of ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘2’. ‘0’ indicates that the first base of the feature is the first base of a codon, ‘1’ that the second base is the first base of a codon, and so on..
attribute - A semicolon-separated list of tag-value pairs, providing additional information about each feature.
See more from http://www.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html
genome files
BEDTools中的一些工具(genomeCoverageBed, complementBed, slopBed)需要物种的染色体大小的信息,genome file一般就是每行都是tab隔开,两列,一列为染色体的名字,第二列为这个染色体的大小。一般常用物种的genome file在BEDTools安装目录的/genome里面。
自定义基因组genome files文件生成方法见我的另一篇博文:批量求fasta格式序列长度。
intersect/intersectBed:计算 Overlaps
bedtools intersect -a A.bed -b B.bed -wa -wb
用来求两个BED或者BAM文件中的overlap,overlap可以进行自定义是整个genome features的overlap还是局部。
加-wa参数可以报告出原始的在A文件中的feature, 如下图
加-wb参数可以报告出原始的在B文件中的feature, 加-c参数可以报告出两个文件中的overlap的feature的数量。
当用bedtools intersect 处理大文件时比较耗内存,有效的方法是对A和B文件按照染色体名字(chromosome)和位置(position)排序(sort -k1,1 -k2,2n
bedtools intersect -a A-sorted.bed -b B-sorted.bed --sorted
-wo 返回overlap碱基数
$bedtools intersect -a A.bed -b B.bed -wo chr1 0 15 a chr1 0 4 x 4 chr1 0 15 a chr1 9 15 z 6 chr1 25 29 b chr1 18 28 y 3 chr1 18 18 c chr1 18 28 y 1 chr1 10 14 d chr1 9 15 z 4 chr1 20 23 e chr1 18 28 y 3
-v 返回非overlap区间
-s 相同链上的feature
-c 两个文件中的overlap的feature的数量
bedtools complement -i <BED/GFF/VCF> -g <genome files>
要求:单个输入bed文件(-i指定)和genome files
cat ranges-qry.bed chr1 0 15 a chr1 25 29 b chr1 18 18 c chr1 10 14 d chr1 20 23 e chr1 6 7 f bedtools slop -i ranges-qry.bed -g genome.txt -b 4 chr1 0 19 a chr1 21 33 b chr1 14 22 c chr1 6 18 d chr1 16 27 e chr1 2 11 f #-b 4 :两端同时缩短4个碱基
-l 3 -r 5:增加左3右5
要求:基因组GTF文件(-i指定)和genome files
bedtools flank -i mm_GRCm38.75_protein_coding_genes.gtf \ -g Mus_musculus.GRCm38_genome.txt \ -l 3000 -r 0 > mm_GRCm38_3kb_promoters.gtf cut -f1,4,5,7 mm_GRCm38_3kb_promoters.gtf | head -n 3 1 3671499 3674498 - 1 4360315 4363314 - 1 4496414 4499413 -
bedtools getfasta -fi Mus_musculus.GRCm38.75.dna_rm.toplevel_chr1.fa \ -bed mm_GRCm38_3kb_promoters.gtf -fo mm_GRCm38_3kb_promoters.fasta
-tab Report extract sequences in a tab-delimited format instead of in FASTA format.
#首先建立fai索引文件(第一列为染色体名字,第二列为序列碱基数) samtools faidx Mus_musculus.GRCm38.75.dna.chromosome.8.fa #序列提取,多提取区间空格隔开 samtools faidx Mus_musculus.GRCm38.75.dna.chromosome.8.fa \ 8:123407082-123410744 8:123518835-123536649 >8:123407082-123410744 GAGAAAAGCTCCCTTCTTCTCCAGAGTCCCGTCTACCCTGGCTTGGCGAGGGAAAGGAAC CAGACATATATCAGAGGCAAGTAACCAAGAAGTCTGGAGGTGTTGAGTTTAGGCATGTCT [...] >8:123518835-123536649 TCTCGCGAGGATTTGAGAACCAGCACGGGATCTAGTCGGAGTTGCCAGGAGACCGCGCAG CCTCCTCTGACCAGCGCCCATCCCGGATTAGTGGAAGTGCTGGACTGCTGGCACCATGGT [...]
nuc: 计算GC含量即各碱基数
bedtools nuc -fi hg19.fa -bed CDS.bed
Output format: The following information will be reported after each BED entry: 1) %AT content 2) %GC content 3) Number of As observed 4) Number of Cs observed 5) Number of Gs observed 6) Number of Ts observed 7) Number of Ns observed 8) Number of other bases observed 9) The length of the explored sequence/interval. 10) The seq. extracted from the FASTA file. (opt., if -seq is used) 11) The number of times a user's pattern was observed. (opt., if -pattern is used.)
要求:单个输入bed文件(-i指定)和genome files;如果输入为bam(-ibam指定)文件,则不需要genome files。
cat ranges-cov-sorted.bed chr1 4 9 chr1 1 6 chr1 8 19 chr1 25 30 chr2 0 20 $ cat cov.txt chr1 30 chr2 20 bedtools genomecov -i ranges-cov-sorted.bed -g cov.txt chr1 0 7 30 0.233333 1 chr1 1 20 30 0.666667 chr1 2 3 30 0.1 chr2 1 20 20 1 2 genome 0 7 50 0.14 3 genome 1 40 50 0.8 genome 2 3 50 0.06 #name 覆盖次数 覆盖碱基数 总碱基数 覆盖度 #同时计算单染色体和全基因组覆盖度
- ranges-cov.bed文件需提前排序sort -k1,1 ranges-cov.bed > ranges-cov-sorted.bed
- -bg参数可得到每个碱基的覆盖度。
$ cat A.bed chr1 0 100 chr1 100 200 chr2 0 100 $ cat B.bed chr1 10 20 chr1 20 30 chr1 30 40 chr1 100 200 $ bedtools coverage -a A.bed -b B.bed chr1 0 100 3 30 100 0.3000000 chr1 100 200 1 100 100 1.0000000 chr2 0 100 0 0 100 0.0000000