1. 背景知识
2. 计算原理
表1. 患病租重新分类表
患病组(N1) | 新指标 | |
旧指标 | 阳性 | 阴性 |
阳性 | a1 | b1 |
阴性 | c1 | d1 |
表2. 无病组重新分类表
无病组(N2) | 新指标 | |
旧指标 | 阳性 | 阴性 |
阳性 | a2 | b2 |
阴性 | c2 | d2 |
我们主要关注被重新分类的研究对象,从表中可以看出,在患病组(总数为N1),新诊断指标分类正确而旧指标分类错误的有c1个人,新指标分类错误而旧指标分类正确的有b1个人,那么新模型相对于旧模型来说,正确分类提高的比例为(c1-b1)/N1。同理,在非患者组(总数为N2),新诊断指标分类正确而旧指标分类错误的有b2个人,新指标分类错误而旧指标分类正确的有c2个人,那么新诊断指标相对于旧指标正确分类提高的比例为(b2-c2)/ N2。最后,综合患者组和非患者组的结果,新模型与旧模型相比,净重新分类指数NRI= (c1-b1)/N1+(b2-c2)/N2,一般称作绝对NRI。
以发表在Stat Med杂志上这篇有关分类NRI计算方法学文章为例[2],研究者以著名的Framingham HeartStudy为基础,比较了在经典的模型中加入高密度脂蛋白HDL-C指标后,新模型对于研究对象未来10年冠心病发病风险预测能力的改善情况。研究人员首先比较了新、旧模型的ROC曲线,结果显示新、旧模型AUC分别为0.774和0.762,加入HDL-C后新预测模型AUC增加了0.012,差异无统计学显著性(P=0.092),提示新模型并无显著改善,如图2.所示。随后,研究人员又进一步将研究对象未来10年发生冠心病事件的风险概率,按照 <6%, 6-20%, >20%分为低、中、高三组,原文中的表格如图3.所示,并计算了NRI=12.1%,Z=3.616,P<0.001,具有统计学显著性,提示在加入了新的生物标志物后,新模型的预测能力有所改善,正确分类的比例提高了12.1%。
以上原理部分讲完了,下面讲解如何通过R软件计算NRI。这里要分分情况, 1.如果只是单纯计算一个新二分类诊断指标较旧指标诊断能力提高多少,可参阅上述计算公式,网上也有大神自编了R语言的计算函数来计算此类NRI; 2.基于Logistic回归构建的两个预测模型NRI计算; 3.基于Cox回归构建的两预测模型的NRI计算[3]。关于R中NRI的计算方法大家可参阅下表3.,我们重点介绍基于nricens包计算NRI[4-6],建议有关NRI计算首选此包。
表3. R中可计算NRI的包
3. 案例演示
示例数据来自于survival包里自带的一份梅奥诊所的数据,记录了418位患者的临床指标与原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)的关系。其中前312个患者来自于RCT研究,其他患者来自于队列研究。我们用前312例患者的数据来预测2000天时间点上是否发生死亡。此处需要说明的是原始数据是一个生存数据,我们重新定义一个二分类的结局,死亡or 存活,不考虑时间因素。先载入这份数据,如图4.所示。这个表中的结局变量是status,0 = 截尾(删失),1=接受肝移植,2=死亡。胆我们的研究目的“死亡与否”是个二分类变量,所以要做变量变换。再看time一栏,有的不够2000天,这些样本要么是没到2000天就死亡了,要么是删失了。我们要删掉2000天内删失的数据。其他关于数据中各变量的具体含义可用命令:? pbc查看。
library(nricens) ## Loading required package: survival dat= pbc[1:312,] dat$sex= ifelse(dat$sex=='f', 1, 0)
删除时间小于2000天的截尾数据。“[ ]”表示筛选条件,|表示“或”,&为“和”。所以条件句就是dat中的time一列大于2000的保留,或小于2000但同时状态为死亡的也保留。最后一个 “,” 别忘记了,其在条件句的前面表示对列进行选择,在其后表示选择行,此处对行进行筛选。
dat= dat[ dat$time > 2000 | (dat$time < 2000 & dat$status == 2), ]
event= ifelse(dat$time < 2000 & dat$status == 2, 1, 0)
构建一个dat数据集的子集含有变量:age,bili, albumin,并设为矩阵结构
z.std= as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(age, bili, albumin)))
构建一个dat数据集的子集含有变量:age,bili, albumin, protime,并设为矩阵结构
z.new= as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(age, bili, albumin, protime)))
mstd= glm(event ~ ., binomial(logit), data.frame(event, z.std), x=TRUE) mnew= glm(event ~ ., binomial(logit), data.frame(event, z.new), x=TRUE)
predicted risk,分别计算两个模型的预测风险
p.std= mstd$fitted.values p.new= mnew$fitted.values
Calculation of risk category NRI using (‘mdl.std’, ‘mdl.std’).
nribin(mdl.std= mstd, mdl.new = mnew, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 1000, updown = 'category') ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 232 88 144 ## Reclassification Table for all subjects: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 110 3 0 ## < 0.4 3 30 0 ## >= 0.4 0 2 84 ## Reclassification Table for case: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 7 0 0 ## < 0.4 0 8 0 ## >= 0.4 0 2 71 ## Reclassification Table for control: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 103 3 0 ## < 0.4 3 22 0 ## >= 0.4 0 0 13 ## NRI estimation: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI -0.02272727 ## NRI+ -0.02272727 ## NRI- 0.00000000 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.00000000 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.02272727 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.02083333 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.02083333 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred ... ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Std.Error Lower Upper ## NRI -0.02272727 0.03200922 -0.05754196 0.08025656 ## NRI+ -0.02272727 0.02078882 -0.05390875 0.03948052 ## NRI- 0.00000000 0.02715176 -0.03558764 0.06993007 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.00000000 0.01611024 0.00000000 0.05805527 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.02272727 0.01969604 0.00000000 0.06803036 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.02083333 0.03304244 0.00000000 0.11268164 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.02083333 0.02306850 0.00000000 0.08178552
Calculation of risk difference NRI using (‘event’, ‘z.std’, ‘z.std’).
nribin(event= event, z.std = z.std, z.new = z.new, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 1000, updown = 'category') ## STANDARD prediction model: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 0.98927136 2.20809035 0.4480212 6.541379e-01 ## age 0.07128234 0.01988079 3.5854876 3.364490e-04 ## bili 0.61686651 0.10992947 5.6114755 2.006087e-08 ## albumin -1.95859156 0.53031693 -3.6932473 2.214085e-04 ## NEW prediction model: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) -1.16682234 2.92204889 -0.3993165 6.896600e-01 ## age 0.06659224 0.02032242 3.2767864 1.049958e-03 ## bili 0.59995139 0.11022521 5.4429600 5.240243e-08 ## albumin -1.88620553 0.53144647 -3.5491919 3.864153e-04 ## protime 0.20127560 0.18388726 1.0945598 2.737095e-01 ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 232 88 144 ## Reclassification Table for all subjects: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 110 3 0 ## < 0.4 3 30 0 ## >= 0.4 0 2 84 ## Reclassification Table for case: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 7 0 0 ## < 0.4 0 8 0 ## >= 0.4 0 2 71 ## Reclassification Table for control: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 103 3 0 ## < 0.4 3 22 0 ## >= 0.4 0 0 13 ## NRI estimation: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI -0.02272727 ## NRI+ -0.02272727 ## NRI- 0.00000000 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.00000000 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.02272727 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.02083333 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.02083333 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred ... ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Std.Error Lower Upper ## NRI -0.02272727 0.03335882 -0.05495020 0.08280423 ## NRI+ -0.02272727 0.02241746 -0.05263158 0.04371715 ## NRI- 0.00000000 0.02655613 -0.02963613 0.07719393 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.00000000 0.01834530 0.00000000 0.06472560 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.02272727 0.02027486 0.00000000 0.06711712 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.02083333 0.03326849 0.00000000 0.11985915 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.02083333 0.02091468 0.00000000 0.07547277
Calculation of risk difference NRI using (‘event’, ‘p.std’, ‘p.std’).
nribin(event= event, p.std = p.std, p.new = p.new, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 1000, updown = 'category') ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 232 88 144 ## Reclassification Table for all subjects: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 110 3 0 ## < 0.4 3 30 0 ## >= 0.4 0 2 84 ## Reclassification Table for case: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 7 0 0 ## < 0.4 0 8 0 ## >= 0.4 0 2 71 ## Reclassification Table for control: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 103 3 0 ## < 0.4 3 22 0 ## >= 0.4 0 0 13 ## NRI estimation: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI -0.02272727 ## NRI+ -0.02272727 ## NRI- 0.00000000 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.00000000 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.02272727 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.02083333 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.02083333 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Std.Error Lower Upper ## NRI -0.02272727 0.02369581 -0.07554472 0.01888066 ## NRI+ -0.02272727 0.01593310 -0.05952381 0.00000000 ## NRI- 0.00000000 0.01742103 -0.03533613 0.03448276 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.02272727 0.01593310 0.00000000 0.05952381 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.02083333 0.01140524 0.00000000 0.04433371 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.02083333 0.01268630 0.00000000 0.04895105
Calculation of risk difference NRI using (‘mdl.std’, ‘mdl.std’).
nribin(mdl.std= mstd, mdl.new = mnew, cut = 0.02, niter = 0, updown = 'diff') ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 232 88 144 ## #of subjects with 'p.new - p.std > cut' for all, case, control: 34 17 17 ## #of subjects with 'p.std - p.new < cut' for all, case, control: 36 13 23 ## NRI estimation: ## Point estimates:
## Estimate ## NRI 0.08712121 ## NRI+ 0.04545455 ## NRI- 0.04166667 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.19318182 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14772727 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.15972222 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.11805556
Calculation of risk difference NRI using (‘event’, ‘z.std’, ‘z.std’).
nribin(event= event, z.std = z.std, z.new = z.new, cut = 0.02, niter = 1000, updown = 'diff') ## STANDARD prediction model: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 0.98927136 2.20809035 0.4480212 6.541379e-01 ## age 0.07128234 0.01988079 3.5854876 3.364490e-04 ## bili 0.61686651 0.10992947 5.6114755 2.006087e-08 ## albumin -1.95859156 0.53031693 -3.6932473 2.214085e-04 ## NEW prediction model: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) -1.16682234 2.92204889 -0.3993165 6.896600e-01 ## age 0.06659224 0.02032242 3.2767864 1.049958e-03 ## bili 0.59995139 0.11022521 5.4429600 5.240243e-08 ## albumin -1.88620553 0.53144647 -3.5491919 3.864153e-04 ## protime 0.20127560 0.18388726 1.0945598 2.737095e-01 ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 232 88 144 ## #of subjects with 'p.new - p.std > cut' for all, case, control: 34 17 17 ## #of subjects with 'p.std - p.new < cut' for all, case, control: 36 13 23 ## NRI estimation: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.08712121 ## NRI+ 0.04545455 ## NRI- 0.04166667 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.19318182 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14772727 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.15972222 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.11805556 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred ... ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Std.Error Lower Upper ## NRI 0.08712121 0.10703150 -0.04115056 0.3484545 ## NRI+ 0.04545455 0.05032784 -0.03636497 0.1618551 ## NRI- 0.04166667 0.07339238 -0.03496674 0.2238284 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.19318182 0.10057879 0.00000000 0.3575188 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14772727 0.07783491 0.00000000 0.2806933 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.15972222 0.12870698 0.00000000 0.4334576 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.11805556 0.06670991 0.00000000 0.2439938
Calculation of risk difference NRI using (‘event’, ‘p.std’, ‘p.std’).
nribin(event= event, p.std = p.std, p.new = p.new, cut = 0.02, niter = 1000, updown = 'diff') ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 232 88 144 ## #of subjects with 'p.new - p.std > cut' for all, case, control: 34 17 17 ## #of subjects with 'p.std - p.new < cut' for all, case, control: 36 13 23 ## NRI estimation: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.08712121 ## NRI+ 0.04545455 ## NRI- 0.04166667 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.19318182 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14772727 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.15972222 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.11805556 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Std.Error Lower Upper ## NRI 0.08712121 0.07891890 -0.07363236 0.2313484 ## NRI+ 0.04545455 0.06423593 -0.07965871 0.1704545 ## NRI- 0.04166667 0.04352676 -0.04697987 0.1202837 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.19318182 0.04258777 0.11827957 0.2795349 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14772727 0.03909344 0.07473404 0.2253521 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.15972222 0.03047740 0.10067114 0.2214286 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.11805556 0.02716925 0.06569343 0.1760563
图5. 在所有结局、阳性结局、阴性结局中重分类的表格(case在预测模型中应该理解为结局发生,control理解为结局未发生)
图6. NRI点估计计算结果及重抽样后估计的标准误与可信区间。新模型较旧模型重分类正确的比例提高-2.2727%,换句话说增加一个预测变量的新模型预测的准确度降低了,新模型比旧模型差。
here consider pbc dataset in survival package as an example
library(nricens) dat= pbc[1:312,] dat$sex= ifelse(dat$sex=='f', 1, 0)
predciting the event of ‘death’
time= dat$time event= ifelse(dat$status==2, 1, 0)
standard prediction model: age, bilirubin, and albumin
z.std= as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(age, bili, albumin)))
new prediction model: age, bilirubin, albumin, and protime
z.new= as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(age, bili, albumin, protime)))
coxph fit构建Cox生存函数模型
mstd= coxph(Surv(time,event) ~ ., data.frame(time,event,z.std), x=TRUE) mnew= coxph(Surv(time,event) ~ ., data.frame(time,event,z.new), x=TRUE)
predicted risk at t0=2000,2000天时间点的死亡风险
p.std= get.risk.coxph(mstd, t0=2000) p.new= get.risk.coxph(mnew, t0=2000)
Calculation of risk category NRI
by the KM estimator using (‘mdl.std’, ‘mdl.std’).
nricens(mdl.std= mstd, mdl.new = mnew, t0 = 2000, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 1000, updown = 'category') ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 312 88 144 ## Reclassification Table for all subjects: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 139 7 1 ## < 0.4 17 72 6 ## >= 0.4 0 5 65 ## ## Reclassification Table for case: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 9 2 0 ## < 0.4 1 21 4 ## >= 0.4 0 0 51 ## Reclassification Table for control: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 92 4 1 ## < 0.4 9 29 2 ## >= 0.4 0 3 4 ## NRI estimation by KM estimator: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.11028068 ## NRI+ 0.05123381 ## NRI- 0.05904686 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.06348538 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.01225156 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.09583016 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.03678329 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Lower Upper ## NRI 0.11028068 -0.03194805 0.21128035 ## NRI+ 0.05123381 -0.06016772 0.12689397 ## NRI- 0.05904686 -0.01259183 0.14479307 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.06348538 0.01097353 0.18010236 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.01225156 0.00000000 0.14140739 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.09583016 0.02548172 0.20380318 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.03678329 0.01337693 0.09614351
by the KM estimator using (‘time’, ‘event’, ‘z.std’, ‘z.std’).
nricens(time= time, event = event, z.std = z.std, z.new = z.new, t0 = 2000, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 1000,updown = 'category') ## STANDARD prediction model (Cox model): ## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) ## age 0.03726683 1.0379699 0.009048925 4.118371 3.815600e-05 ## bili 0.13531179 1.1448937 0.013711323 9.868617 5.694436e-23 ## albumin -1.44611854 0.2354825 0.221997986 -6.514107 7.312356e-11 ## NEW prediction model (Cox model): ## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) ## age 0.03362675 1.0341985 0.009214173 3.649460 2.627925e-04 ## bili 0.12517886 1.1333511 0.014406820 8.688861 3.660902e-18 ## albumin -1.39395237 0.2480928 0.217046959 -6.422354 1.341831e-10 ## protime 0.28602917 1.3311313 0.070536400 4.055058 5.012193e-05 ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 312 88 144 ## Reclassification Table for all subjects: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 139 7 1 ## < 0.4 17 72 6 ## >= 0.4 0 5 65 ## Reclassification Table for case: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 9 2 0 ## < 0.4 1 21 4 ## >= 0.4 0 0 51 ## Reclassification Table for control: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 92 4 1 ## < 0.4 9 29 2 ## >= 0.4 0 3 4 ## ## NRI estimation by KM estimator: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.11028068 ## NRI+ 0.05123381 ## NRI- 0.05904686 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.06348538 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.01225156 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.09583016 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.03678329 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Lower Upper ## NRI 0.11028068 -0.03554127 0.21651743 ## NRI+ 0.05123381 -0.06913789 0.12370518 ## NRI- 0.05904686 -0.01220950 0.13696724 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.06348538 0.01851364 0.19150211 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.01225156 0.00000000 0.14501826 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.09583016 0.02368265 0.20899670 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.03678329 0.01331195 0.09664003
by the KM estimator using (‘time’,‘event’,‘p.std’,‘p.std’).
nricens(time= time, event = event, p.std = p.std, p.new = p.new, t0 = 2000, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 1000,updown = 'category') ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 312 88 144 ## Reclassification Table for all subjects: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 139 7 1 ## < 0.4 17 72 6 ## >= 0.4 0 5 65 ## Reclassification Table for case: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 9 2 0 ## < 0.4 1 21 4 ## >= 0.4 0 0 51 ## Reclassification Table for control: ## New ## Standard < 0.2 < 0.4 >= 0.4 ## < 0.2 92 4 1 ## < 0.4 9 29 2 ## >= 0.4 0 3 4 ## NRI estimation by KM estimator: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.11028068 ## NRI+ 0.05123381 ## NRI- 0.05904686 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.06348538 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.01225156 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.09583016 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.03678329 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Lower Upper ## NRI 0.11028068 0.038654934 0.18500252 ## NRI+ 0.05123381 -0.002290732 0.10941601 ## NRI- 0.05904686 0.009447491 0.11101409 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.06348538 0.019782577 0.11565000 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.01225156 0.000000000 0.04029557 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.09583016 0.057142752 0.14102524 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.03678329 0.013629602 0.06516565
Calculation of risk difference NRI by the KM estimator
nricens(mdl.std= mstd, mdl.new = mnew, t0 = 2000, updown = 'diff', cut = 0.05, niter = 1000) ### UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 312 88 144 ## #of subjects with 'p.new - p.std > cut' for all, case, control: 34 21 11 ## #of subjects with 'p.std - p.new < cut' for all, case, control: 40 12 8 ## NRI estimation by KM estimator: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.10070960 ## NRI+ 0.05097223 ## NRI- 0.04973737 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.22431499 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.17334277 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.10859064 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.05885327 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Lower Upper ## NRI 0.10070960 -0.04228013 0.3810405 ## NRI+ 0.05097223 -0.06194892 0.2221666 ## NRI- 0.04973737 -0.02729504 0.2291545 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.22431499 0.07883984 0.3822543 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.17334277 0.01019444 0.2965650 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.10859064 0.00000000 0.3517454 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.05885327 0.02304369 0.1342790
Calculation of risk difference NRI by the IPW estimator
nricens(mdl.std= mstd, mdl.new = mnew, t0 = 2000, updown = 'diff', cut = 0.05, point.method = 'ipw', niter= 1000) ## UP and DOWN calculation: ## #of total, case, and control subjects at t0: 312 88 144 ## #of subjects with 'p.new - p.std > cut' for all, case, control: 34 21 11 ## #of subjects with 'p.std - p.new < cut' for all, case, control: 40 12 8 ## NRI estimation by IPW estimator: ## Point estimates: ## Estimate ## NRI 0.06361038 ## NRI+ 0.08444371 ## NRI- -0.02083333 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.22905909 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14461537 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.05555556 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.07638889 ## Now in bootstrap.. ## Point & Interval estimates:
## Estimate Lower Upper ## NRI 0.06361038 -0.05790451 0.3006199 ## NRI+ 0.08444371 -0.02002052 0.2351667 ## NRI- -0.02083333 -0.06968726 0.1159481 ## Pr(Up|Case) 0.22905909 0.06809346 0.3935156 ## Pr(Down|Case) 0.14461537 0.00000000 0.2630693 ## Pr(Down|Ctrl) 0.05555556 0.00000000 0.2452356 ## Pr(Up|Ctrl) 0.07638889 0.03174891 0.1677636
图7. 在所有结局、阳性结局、阴性结局中重分类的表格(case在Cox预测模型中应该理解为结局发生,control理解为结局未发生)
图8. NRI点估计的计算结果及重抽样后估计的可信区间。新模型较旧模型重分类正确的比例提高11.028%,换句话说增加一个预测变量的新模型预测的准确度比旧模型更好。
本章关于NRI的计算讲解完毕。下一章我们将介绍另外一个指标IDI(Integrated Discrimination Improvement,综合判别改善指数)的计算原理与计算方法,欢迎关注。
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