最近看到的几篇涉及进化的文章里面都提到selective sweep,特地对这个词进行了了解,搜到了一些资料与大家分享一下。
A selective sweep is the reduction or elimination of variation among the nucleotides in neighboring DNA of a mutation as the result of recent and strong positive natural selection.
A selective sweep can occur when a new mutation occurs that increases the fitness of the carrier relative to other members of the population. Natural selection will favour individuals that have a higher fitness and with time the newly mutated variant (allele) will increase in frequency relative to other alleles. As its prevalence increases, neutral and nearly neutral genetic variation linked to the new mutation will also become more prevalent. This phenomenon is called genetic hitchhiking. A strong selective sweep results in a region of the genome where the positively selected haplotype (the mutated allele and its neighbours) is essentially the only one that exists in the population, resulting in a large reduction of the total genetic variation in that chromosome region.
selective sweep说的意思就是由于某一位点受到强选择后,其周围的位点的多态性因受改位点牵连而发生多态性降低的现象。
举个简单的例子(不切实际):假如高个子和黑头发在同一个block内,共遗传。但是还存在其他的共遗传及矮个子黄头发,矮个子蓝头发,矮个子白头发。这时头发颜色这一多态性很高,但是有一天,女生只爱高个子的男生,但她们不关心你是什么头发,这样,高个子首先被选择,和他连锁在一起的黑头发就变向的受选择,这样后代里大部分就是高个子黑头发了,这样头发颜色的多态性大大下降。这就是发生了selective sweep。
A selective sweep
Under natural selection, a new beneficial mutation will rise in frequency (prevalence) in a population. A schematic of polymorphisms along a chromosome, including the selected allele, before and after selection. Ancestral alleles are shown in gray and derived (non-ancestral) alleles are shown in blue. As a new positively selected allele (red) rises to high frequency, nearby linked alleles on the chromosome 'hitchhike' along with it to high frequency, creating a 'selective sweep.'