除了整合差异相对较小的scRNA-seq数据集外,liger也能用于整合数据差异较大、甚至研究的对象完全不同的多组学。本文将以scRNA-seq和scATAC-seq为例,展示liger多组学整合的相关流程。scRNA-seq描述了细胞的转录组特征,而scATAC-seq则描述了细胞基因组开放性的特征,显然这两种组学特征之间存在着某种相关性,大胆一点我们可以认为整体上呈现正相关。通过scRNA-seq和scATAT-seq的整合分析,我们不光能够更加全面地描述细胞的特征,也能从开放性和RNA的角度上去推测可能的基因表达调控模式。尽管现在已经有了一些多组学测序的技术,例如10x的Single Cell Multiome ATAC Gene Expression,但更多的组学特征以及技术上仍有待进一步的突破,因此liger依然给我们提供了一个非常好的窗口帮助我们理解单细胞的生命特征。
- Call peak通常是用全部细胞来做的,而这种方式很容易埋没一些稀有细胞群的信号。
- 基因body上的开放性往往是比较弥散的,不像一些调控元件可以call出非常明显的peak,因此peaking calling的算法可能会丢失大量的信息。
- Peak本身就类似于显著差异的变化,因此大量的信息被丢失,本身稀疏的数据变得更加稀疏。
Liger作者发现,使用scATAC-seq在基因body和promoter上的reads数就能很容易地表征某个基因的整体开放性水平,promoter区域可以选择TSS上下游2kb的区域。本文的分析使用10x提供的公共测试数据,并使用10x提供的cellranger和cellranger-atac进行比对。scRNA-seq数据为健康供体的10k PBMC数据,scATAC-seq数据也是健康供体的10k PBMC数据。scATAC-seq比对所用的reference来自直接从10x官网上下载的现成的GRCh38参考基因组与注释,该reference所用的基因组注释文件为GENCODE的第28版GRCh38基因组注释,下载该注释文件后我们手工构建一个scRNA-seq的reference,从而最大程度地保证了scRNA-seq和scATAC-seq所用的注释文件的一致性。
############################################ ## Project: Liger-learning ## Script Purpose: joint analysis of scRNA-seq and chromatin accessibility ## Data: 2020.10.24 ## Author: Yiming Sun ############################################ #sleep ii <- 1 while(1){ cat(paste("round",ii),sep = "n") ii <- ii 1 Sys.sleep(30) } # general setting setwd('/data/User/sunym/project/liger_learning/') # library library(Seurat) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(scibet) library(Matrix) library(tidyverse) library(cowplot) library(viridis) library(pheatmap) library(ComplexHeatmap) library(networkD3) library(liger) library(parallel) #my function MySuggestLambda <- function(object,lambda,k,knn_k = 20,thresh = 1e-04,max.iters = 100,k2 = 500,ref_dataset = NULL,resolution = 1,parl_num){ res <- matrix(ncol = 2,nrow = length(lambda)) colnames(res) <- c('lambda','alignment') res[,'lambda'] <- lambda cl <- makeCluster(parl_num) clusterExport(cl,c('object','k','knn_k','thresh','max.iters','k2','ref_dataset','resolution'),envir = environment()) clusterExport(cl,c('optimizeALS','quantileAlignSNF','calcAlignment'),envir = .GlobalEnv) alignment_score <- parLapply(cl = cl,lambda,function(x){ object <- optimizeALS(object,k = k,lambda = x,thresh = thresh,max.iters = max.iters) object <- quantileAlignSNF(object,knn_k = knn_k,k2 = k2,ref_dataset = ref_dataset,resolution = resolution) return(calcAlignment(object)) }) stopCluster(cl) res[,'alignment'] <- (alignment_score %>% unlist()) res <- as.data.frame(res) res[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[,1])) res[,2] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[,2])) p <- ggplot(res,aes(x = lambda,y = alignment)) geom_point() geom_line() return(list(res,p)) }
scATAC-seq 数据准备
[[email protected] annotation]$ head -n 5 gencode.v28.annotation.gtf ##description: evidence-based annotation of the human genome (GRCh38), version 28 (Ensembl 92) ##provider: GENCODE ##contact: [email protected] ##format: gtf ##date: 2018-03-23
# 1.joint analysis of scRNA-seq and chromatin accessibility # pre-prapare scTATA data #sort by chromosome start position and end position for fragment, gene and promoter system('gunzip ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/fragments.tsv.gz') system('tail -n 6 ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/gencode.v28.annotation.gtf > ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes_split.gtf') genes <- read.table('./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes_split.gtf',sep = 't')
genes <- genes[genes[,3] == 'gene',] gene_name <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(genes[,9]),split = '; ',fixed = TRUE)) gene_name <- gene_name[grepl(pattern = 'gene_name',gene_name)] gene_name <- sub(pattern = 'gene_name ',replacement = '',gene_name) genes[,9] <- gene_name genes <- genes[,c(1,4,5,9,6,7)]
promoter <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(genes)[1],ncol = dim(genes)[2])) promoter[,c(1,4,5,6)] <- genes[,c(1,4,5,6)] for (i in 1:dim(promoter)[1]) { if(promoter[i,6] == ' '){ if ((as.numeric(genes[i,2])-2000) >= 0){ promoter[i,2] <- as.numeric(genes[i,2])-2000 }else{ promoter[i,2] <- 0 } promoter[i,3] <- as.numeric(genes[i,2]) 2000 } else if(promoter[i,6] == '-'){ if ((as.numeric(genes[i,3])-2000) >= 0){ promoter[i,2] <- as.numeric(genes[i,3])-2000 }else{ promoter[i,2] <- 0 } promoter[i,3] <- as.numeric(genes[i,3]) 2000 } } write.table(genes,file = './data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.bed',sep = 't',col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE) write.table(promoter,file = './data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoter.bed',sep = 't',col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE)
system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/sort-bed --max-mem 50G ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/fragments.tsv > ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_fragments.sort.bed') system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/sort-bed --max-mem 50G ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.sort.bed') system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/sort-bed --max-mem 50G ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoter.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoters.sort.bed') #Use bedmap command to calculate overlapping elements between indexes and fragment output files system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/bedmap --ec --delim "t" --echo --echo-map-id ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoters.sort.bed ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_fragments.sort.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_promoters_bc.bed') system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/bedmap --ec --delim "t" --echo --echo-map-id ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.sort.bed ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_fragments.sort.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_genes_bc.bed')
#import the bedmap outputs into the R genes.bc <- read.table(file = "./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_genes_bc.bed", sep = "t", as.is = c(4,7), header = FALSE) promoters.bc <- read.table(file = "./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_promoters_bc.bed", sep = "t", as.is = c(4,7), header = FALSE)
#load scATAC peak filted barcode data barcodes <- read.table(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv',sep = 't',as.is = TRUE,header = FALSE)$V1 #filter the barcode with bad quality bc <- genes.bc[,7] bc_split <- strsplit(bc,";") bc_split_vec <- unlist(bc_split) bc_counts <- table(bc_split_vec) bc_filt <- names(bc_counts)[bc_counts > 1500] barcodes <- intersect(bc_filt,barcodes)
#use LIGER's makeFeatureMatrix function to calculate accessibility counts for gene body and promoter gene.counts <- makeFeatureMatrix(genes.bc, barcodes) promoter.counts <- makeFeatureMatrix(promoters.bc, barcodes) gene.counts <- gene.counts[order(rownames(gene.counts)),] promoter.counts <- promoter.counts[order(rownames(promoter.counts)),] PBMCs <- gene.counts promoter.counts colnames(PBMCs)=paste0("PBMC_",colnames(PBMCs)) #load scRNA-seq data PBMC.rna <- read10X(sample.dirs = './data/10k_pbmc/scRNA/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/',sample.names = 'rna') #create a LIGER object PBMC.data <- list(atac = PBMCs, rna = PBMC.rna) int.PBMC <- createLiger(PBMC.data) remove(list = ls()[ls() != 'int.PBMC']) gc()
对liger对象进行标准化等一系列前期操作,注意只使用RNA-seq数据来挑选variable gene。
#normalize select gene and scale int.PBMC <- normalize(int.PBMC) int.PBMC <- selectGenes(int.PBMC, datasets.use = 2) int.PBMC <- scaleNotCenter(int.PBMC)
#integrate NMF #suggest lambda suggestLambda(int.PBMC,lambda.test = seq(1,20,1),k = 25,num.cores = 10)
#suggest k suggestK(object = int.PBMC,k.test = seq(10,30,1),lambda = 10,num.cores = 10,plot.log2 = FALSE)
#lambda = 10,k = 25 int.PBMC <- optimizeALS(int.PBMC,k = 25,lambda = 10,max.iters = 30,thresh = 1e-06) #Quantile Normalization and Joint Clustering int.PBMC <- quantile_norm(int.PBMC,knn_k = 20,quantiles = 50,min_cells = 20,do.center = FALSE, max_sample = 1000,refine.knn = TRUE,eps = 0.9) int.PBMC <- louvainCluster(int.PBMC, resolution = 0.4)
> table([email protected]) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3360 2552 2484 2074 1976 1683 1629 1004 897 778 776 416 12 13 14 15 16 17 398 391 316 304 154 108
#Visualization and Downstream Analysis int.PBMC <- runUMAP(int.PBMC) all.plots <- plotByDatasetAndCluster(int.PBMC, axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'),return.plots = TRUE) head(all.plots[[1]]$data) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/plot_by_dataset_and_cluster.pdf',width = 8,height = 4) all.plots[[1]] all.plots[[2]] dev.off()
- 差异表达分析
#identify marker genes for each cluster int.PBMC.wilcoxon <- runWilcoxon(int.PBMC, data.use = 'all', compare.method = 'clusters') #filter the enriched gene yourself int.PBMC.wilcoxon <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$padj < 0.05,] int.PBMC.wilcoxon <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$logFC > 3,] #top 20 markers of cluster 3 and 4 wilcoxon.cluster_3 <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$group == 3, ] wilcoxon.cluster_3 <- wilcoxon.cluster_3[order(wilcoxon.cluster_3$padj), ] markers.cluster_3 <- wilcoxon.cluster_3[1:20, ] wilcoxon.cluster_4 <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$group == 4, ] wilcoxon.cluster_4 <- wilcoxon.cluster_4[order(wilcoxon.cluster_4$padj), ] markers.cluster_4 <- wilcoxon.cluster_4[1:20, ]
> markers.cluster_3 feature group avgExpr logFC statistic auc pval padj pct_in pct_out 93440 AC092580.4 3 -16.77217 5.369608 27507364 0.6898446 0 0 100 100 96414 CCL5 3 -11.02601 9.269639 32396409 0.8124547 0 0 100 100 96562 CD8A 3 -13.57582 6.735737 29898397 0.7498083 0 0 100 100 97532 CST7 3 -12.67376 7.845358 31058233 0.7788952 0 0 100 100 98887 CTSW 3 -14.43134 6.331951 28632810 0.7180692 0 0 100 100 99965 EOMES 3 -16.80980 4.705106 26695598 0.6694867 0 0 100 100 101646 GZMA 3 -14.08326 7.198335 29369425 0.7365424 0 0 100 100 101649 GZMK 3 -14.48547 7.763756 30122792 0.7554357 0 0 100 100 101650 GZMM 3 -13.68788 6.104824 28699408 0.7197393 0 0 100 100 102068 HOPX 3 -15.09229 5.371568 27605779 0.6923127 0 0 100 100 102524 IL32 3 -11.36195 6.950100 29875540 0.7492350 0 0 100 100 103205 KLRB1 3 -14.85939 6.264977 28100056 0.7047085 0 0 100 100 103213 KLRG1 3 -11.01856 7.183600 31721918 0.7955395 0 0 100 100 103361 LAG3 3 -18.79355 3.451362 24980309 0.6264698 0 0 100 100 103916 LYAR 3 -12.56974 5.956998 29655544 0.7437179 0 0 100 100 104130 MATK 3 -15.48198 5.632058 28084886 0.7043280 0 0 100 100 105193 NCR3 3 -17.23250 4.670144 26521096 0.6651105 0 0 100 100 105421 NKG7 3 -11.84455 8.689092 31538326 0.7909353 0 0 100 100 107166 PRF1 3 -13.84797 7.254678 30034053 0.7532103 0 0 100 100 107282 PRR5 3 -12.95011 4.999333 28880551 0.7242821 0 0 100 100 > markers.cluster_4 feature group avgExpr logFC statistic auc pval padj pct_in pct_out 124628 ADAM28 4 -14.686500 6.687493 28617138 0.7494493 0 0 100 100 125560 ARHGAP24 4 -13.124318 5.737005 28321370 0.7417034 0 0 100 100 126016 BANK1 4 -9.488431 9.653939 34707167 0.9089400 0 0 100 100 126063 BCL11A 4 -11.083597 7.253749 31052386 0.8132255 0 0 100 100 126149 BLK 4 -13.199351 7.485614 30191285 0.7906743 0 0 100 100 126152 BLNK 4 -16.619583 4.727523 25910558 0.6785671 0 0 100 100 127204 CD22 4 -11.490107 9.400583 32656222 0.8552281 0 0 100 100 127206 CD24 4 -17.198765 5.403821 26269448 0.6879660 0 0 100 100 127229 CD37 4 -7.768716 6.736971 33587469 0.8796164 0 0 100 100 127236 CD40 4 -15.849347 5.536785 27024648 0.7077438 0 0 100 100 127244 CD52 4 -9.103628 5.641797 30316353 0.7939497 0 0 100 100 127257 CD74 4 -6.196057 6.340909 34263853 0.8973301 0 0 100 100 127258 CD79A 4 -8.407126 12.678446 35987290 0.9424649 0 0 100 100 127259 CD79B 4 -9.626859 11.530288 34664105 0.9078122 0 0 100 100 127313 CDCA7L 4 -16.539789 4.886703 26014286 0.6812836 0 0 100 100 127941 COBLL1 4 -16.594804 4.437667 25557096 0.6693103 0 0 100 100 130946 FAM129C 4 -13.668283 6.205986 28893095 0.7566762 0 0 100 100 131192 FAU 4 -8.118877 4.119389 29235631 0.7656468 0 0 100 100 131273 FCER2 4 -14.723589 6.953663 28740433 0.7526782 0 0 100 100 131280 FCGR2B 4 -19.050128 3.596260 23898797 0.6258814 0 0 100 100 >
#feature plot on umap # CD8A for cluster 2 and CD79A for cluster 4 CD8A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "CD8A", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) CD79A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "CD79A", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/marker_for_cluster_3_and_4.pdf',width = 9,height = 6) plot_grid(CD8A[[2]],CD79A[[2]],CD8A[[1]],CD79A[[1]], ncol=2) dev.off()
- metagene
#gene loading plot # gene loading plot of factor12 all.plots <- plotGeneLoadings(int.PBMC, return.plots = TRUE,do.spec.plot = FALSE) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/gene_loading_factor_18.pdf') all.plots[[18]] dev.off()
可以看到metagene_18在cluster_4中特异性地高loading,两个数据集中CD79A和CD79B都对metagene_18有很高的贡献,这与我们之前找到的差异表达基因相吻合。可以继续来看下不同数据集各自对metagene_18的贡献,如何导出gene loading plot背后的数据可以参考文章使用liger整合单细胞RNA-seq数据集。
# feature plot TCL1A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "TCL1A", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) RPS9 <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "RPS9", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/RPS9_TCL1A_plot_for_RNA_and_ATAC.pdf',width = 9,height = 6) plot_grid(RPS9[[2]],TCL1A[[2]],RPS9[[1]],TCL1A[[1]], ncol=2) dev.off()
- Pseudo peak
# Pseudo single multi-omic data (scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq) #load scATAC peak data barcodes <- read.table(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv',sep = 't',as.is = TRUE,header = FALSE)$V1 barcodes <- paste('PBMC',barcodes,sep = '_') peak.names <- read.table(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/peaks.bed', sep = 't', header = FALSE) peak.names <- paste0(peak.names$V1, ':', peak.names$V2, '-', peak.names$V3) pmat <- readMM(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/matrix.mtx') colnames(pmat) <- barcodes rownames(pmat) <- peak.names pmat <- pmat[,colnames([email protected]$atac)]
> dim(pmat) [1] 94534 9642
#cell-type-specific accessibility #create seurat for pmat pmat_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pmat,project = 'pmat') pmat_seurat <- NormalizeData(pmat_seurat, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000) pmat_seurat <- ScaleData(pmat_seurat, features = rownames(pmat_seurat)) cell_type <- [email protected] cell_type <- cell_type[colnames(pmat_seurat)] pmat_seurat$cell_type <- cell_type table(pmat_seurat$cell_type) Idents(pmat_seurat) <- 'cell_type' #find the DEPeak across the cluster pmat_marker <- FindAllMarkers(pmat_seurat, only.pos = TRUE, logfc.threshold = 0.25) pmat_marker <- pmat_marker[pmat_marker$p_val_adj < 0.05,] peaks.sel <- unique(pmat_marker$gene)
#filter the pmat seurat object and scale the express pmat_seurat <- pmat_seurat[peaks.sel,] pmat_seurat <- NormalizeData(pmat_seurat, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000) pmat_seurat <- ScaleData(pmat_seurat, features = rownames(pmat_seurat),do.center = FALSE) #filter the pmat object to impute the RNA-seq cell's ATAC peaks pmat <- pmat[peaks.sel,] int.PBMC.ds <- int.PBMC [email protected][['atac']] <- pmat int.PBMC.ds <- normalize(int.PBMC.ds)
#predict the accessibility profile for scRNA-seq data int.PBMC.ds <- imputeKNN(int.PBMC.ds, reference = 'atac',queries = 'rna',knn_k = 20,norm = TRUE,scale = FALSE)
> [email protected]$rna[1:3,1:3] 3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" rna_AAACCCAAGCGCCCAT rna_AAACCCAAGGTTCCGC chr6:111086981-111088830 . 0.0001584052 chr17:82126355-82127872 0.0007113352 . chr8:19496551-19497709 . . rna_AAACCCACAGACAAGC chr6:111086981-111088830 4.491621e-05 chr17:82126355-82127872 2.747334e-04 chr8:19496551-19497709 1.823305e-04
MyLinkGenesAndPeaks <- function(gene_counts, peak_counts, genes.list = NULL, dist = "spearman", alpha = 0.05, path_to_coords, peak_range) { ## check dependency if (!requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package "GenomicRanges" needed for this function to work. Please install it by command:n", "BiocManager::install('GenomicRanges')", call. = FALSE ) } if (!requireNamespace("IRanges", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package "IRanges" needed for this function to work. Please install it by command:n", "BiocManager::install('IRanges')", call. = FALSE ) } ### make Granges object for peaks peak.names <- strsplit(rownames(peak_counts), "[:-]") chrs <- Reduce(append, lapply(peak.names, function(peak) { peak[1] })) chrs.start <- Reduce(append, lapply(peak.names, function(peak) { peak[2] })) chrs.end <- Reduce(append, lapply(peak.names, function(peak) { peak[3] })) peaks.pos <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = chrs, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(as.numeric(chrs.start), end = as.numeric(chrs.end)) ) ### make Granges object for genes gene.names <- read.csv2(path_to_coords, sep = "t", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = F) gene.names <- gene.names[complete.cases(gene.names), ] genes.coords <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = gene.names$V1, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(as.numeric(gene.names$V2), end = as.numeric(gene.names$V3)) ) names(genes.coords) <- gene.names$V4 ### construct regnet gene_counts <- t(gene_counts) # cell x genes peak_counts <- t(peak_counts) # cell x genes # find overlap peaks for each gene if (missing(genes.list)) { genes.list <- colnames(gene_counts) } missing_genes <- !genes.list %in% names(genes.coords) if (sum(missing_genes)!=0){ print( paste0( "Removing ", sum(missing_genes), " genes not found in given gene coordinates..." ) ) } genes.list <- genes.list[!missing_genes] genes.coords <- genes.coords[genes.list] print("Calculating correlation for gene-peak pairs...") each.len <- 0 # assign('each.len', 0, envir = globalenv()) elements <- lapply(seq(length(genes.list)), function(pos) { gene.use <- genes.list[pos] # re-scale the window for each gene gene.loci <- GenomicRanges::trim(suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::promoters(GenomicRanges::resize( genes.coords[gene.use], width = 1, fix = "start" ), upstream = peak_range, downstream = peak_range ))) peaks.use <- S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(peaks.pos, gene.loci)) if ((x <- length(peaks.use)) == 0L) { # if no peaks in window, skip this iteration return(list(NULL, as.numeric(each.len), NULL)) } ### compute correlation and p-adj for genes and peaks ### res <- suppressWarnings(psych::corr.test( x = gene_counts[, gene.use], y = as.matrix(peak_counts[, peaks.use]), method = dist, adjust = "holm", ci = FALSE, use = "complete" )) pick <- res[["p"]] < alpha # filter by p-value pick[is.na(pick)] <- FALSE if (sum(pick) == 0) { # if no peaks are important, skip this iteration return(list(NULL, as.numeric(each.len), NULL)) } else { res.corr <- as.numeric(res[["r"]][pick]) peaks.use <- peaks.use[pick] } # each.len <<- each.len length(peaks.use) assign('each.len', each.len length(peaks.use), envir = parent.frame(2)) return(list(as.numeric(peaks.use), as.numeric(each.len), res.corr)) }) i_index <- Reduce(append, lapply(elements, function(ele) { ele[[1]] })) p_index <- c(0, Reduce(append, lapply(elements, function(ele) { ele[[2]] }))) value_list <- Reduce(append, lapply(elements, function(ele) { ele[[3]] })) # make final sparse matrix regnet <- sparseMatrix( i = i_index, p = p_index, x = value_list, dims = c(ncol(peak_counts), length(genes.list)), dimnames = list(colnames(peak_counts), genes.list) ) return(regnet) }
#find peaks and genes strongly corrected gmat = [email protected][['rna']] pseudo_pmat = [email protected][['rna']] regnet = MyLinkGenesAndPeaks(gene_counts = gmat, peak_counts = pseudo_pmat, dist = 'spearman', alpha = 0.05, path_to_coords = './data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.bed',peak_range = 500000)
> which(regnet[,'TCL1A'] > 0.6) chr14:95456861-95457458 963 > saveRDS(regnet,file = './res/fig_201112/regnet.rds')
#convert to seurat and plot tsne.obj <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = [email protected][colnames(pmat_seurat),], key = "UMAP_",global = TRUE) pmat_seurat[['tsne']] <- tsne.obj TCL1A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "TCL1A", axis.labels = c('UMAP_1', 'UMAP_2'), return.plots = TRUE) peak1 <- FeaturePlot(pmat_seurat,features = 'chr14:95456861-95457458',reduction = 'tsne') pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/high_related_peak_gene_dimplot.pdf',width = 9,height = 9) peak1[[1]] / TCL1A[[2]] dev.off()
############################################ ## Project: Liger-learning ## Script Purpose: joint analysis of scRNA-seq and chromatin accessibility ## Data: 2020.10.24 ## Author: Yiming Sun ############################################ #sleep ii <- 1 while(1){ cat(paste("round",ii),sep = "n") ii <- ii 1 Sys.sleep(30) } # general setting setwd('/data/User/sunym/project/liger_learning/') # library library(Seurat) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(scibet) library(Matrix) library(tidyverse) library(cowplot) library(viridis) library(pheatmap) library(ComplexHeatmap) library(networkD3) library(liger) library(parallel) #my function MySuggestLambda <- function(object,lambda,k,knn_k = 20,thresh = 1e-04,max.iters = 100,k2 = 500,ref_dataset = NULL,resolution = 1,parl_num){ res <- matrix(ncol = 2,nrow = length(lambda)) colnames(res) <- c('lambda','alignment') res[,'lambda'] <- lambda cl <- makeCluster(parl_num) clusterExport(cl,c('object','k','knn_k','thresh','max.iters','k2','ref_dataset','resolution'),envir = environment()) clusterExport(cl,c('optimizeALS','quantileAlignSNF','calcAlignment'),envir = .GlobalEnv) alignment_score <- parLapply(cl = cl,lambda,function(x){ object <- optimizeALS(object,k = k,lambda = x,thresh = thresh,max.iters = max.iters) object <- quantileAlignSNF(object,knn_k = knn_k,k2 = k2,ref_dataset = ref_dataset,resolution = resolution) return(calcAlignment(object)) }) stopCluster(cl) res[,'alignment'] <- (alignment_score %>% unlist()) res <- as.data.frame(res) res[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[,1])) res[,2] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[,2])) p <- ggplot(res,aes(x = lambda,y = alignment)) geom_point() geom_line() return(list(res,p)) } MyLinkGenesAndPeaks <- function(gene_counts, peak_counts, genes.list = NULL, dist = "spearman", alpha = 0.05, path_to_coords, peak_range) { ## check dependency if (!requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package "GenomicRanges" needed for this function to work. Please install it by command:n", "BiocManager::install('GenomicRanges')", call. = FALSE ) } if (!requireNamespace("IRanges", quietly = TRUE)) { stop("Package "IRanges" needed for this function to work. Please install it by command:n", "BiocManager::install('IRanges')", call. = FALSE ) } ### make Granges object for peaks peak.names <- strsplit(rownames(peak_counts), "[:-]") chrs <- Reduce(append, lapply(peak.names, function(peak) { peak[1] })) chrs.start <- Reduce(append, lapply(peak.names, function(peak) { peak[2] })) chrs.end <- Reduce(append, lapply(peak.names, function(peak) { peak[3] })) peaks.pos <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = chrs, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(as.numeric(chrs.start), end = as.numeric(chrs.end)) ) ### make Granges object for genes gene.names <- read.csv2(path_to_coords, sep = "t", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = F) gene.names <- gene.names[complete.cases(gene.names), ] genes.coords <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = gene.names$V1, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(as.numeric(gene.names$V2), end = as.numeric(gene.names$V3)) ) names(genes.coords) <- gene.names$V4 ### construct regnet gene_counts <- t(gene_counts) # cell x genes peak_counts <- t(peak_counts) # cell x genes # find overlap peaks for each gene if (missing(genes.list)) { genes.list <- colnames(gene_counts) } missing_genes <- !genes.list %in% names(genes.coords) if (sum(missing_genes)!=0){ print( paste0( "Removing ", sum(missing_genes), " genes not found in given gene coordinates..." ) ) } genes.list <- genes.list[!missing_genes] genes.coords <- genes.coords[genes.list] print("Calculating correlation for gene-peak pairs...") each.len <- 0 # assign('each.len', 0, envir = globalenv()) elements <- lapply(seq(length(genes.list)), function(pos) { gene.use <- genes.list[pos] # re-scale the window for each gene gene.loci <- GenomicRanges::trim(suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::promoters(GenomicRanges::resize( genes.coords[gene.use], width = 1, fix = "start" ), upstream = peak_range, downstream = peak_range ))) peaks.use <- S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(peaks.pos, gene.loci)) if ((x <- length(peaks.use)) == 0L) { # if no peaks in window, skip this iteration return(list(NULL, as.numeric(each.len), NULL)) } ### compute correlation and p-adj for genes and peaks ### res <- suppressWarnings(psych::corr.test( x = gene_counts[, gene.use], y = as.matrix(peak_counts[, peaks.use]), method = dist, adjust = "holm", ci = FALSE, use = "complete" )) pick <- res[["p"]] < alpha # filter by p-value pick[is.na(pick)] <- FALSE if (sum(pick) == 0) { # if no peaks are important, skip this iteration return(list(NULL, as.numeric(each.len), NULL)) } else { res.corr <- as.numeric(res[["r"]][pick]) peaks.use <- peaks.use[pick] } # each.len <<- each.len length(peaks.use) assign('each.len', each.len length(peaks.use), envir = parent.frame(2)) return(list(as.numeric(peaks.use), as.numeric(each.len), res.corr)) }) i_index <- Reduce(append, lapply(elements, function(ele) { ele[[1]] })) p_index <- c(0, Reduce(append, lapply(elements, function(ele) { ele[[2]] }))) value_list <- Reduce(append, lapply(elements, function(ele) { ele[[3]] })) # make final sparse matrix regnet <- sparseMatrix( i = i_index, p = p_index, x = value_list, dims = c(ncol(peak_counts), length(genes.list)), dimnames = list(colnames(peak_counts), genes.list) ) return(regnet) } # 1.joint analysis of scRNA-seq and chromatin accessibility # pre-prapare scTATA data #sort by chromosome start position and end position for fragment, gene and promoter system('gunzip ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/fragments.tsv.gz') system('tail -n 6 ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/gencode.v28.annotation.gtf > ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes_split.gtf') genes <- read.table('./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes_split.gtf',sep = 't') genes <- genes[genes[,3] == 'gene',] gene_name <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(genes[,9]),split = '; ',fixed = TRUE)) gene_name <- gene_name[grepl(pattern = 'gene_name',gene_name)] gene_name <- sub(pattern = 'gene_name ',replacement = '',gene_name) genes[,9] <- gene_name genes <- genes[,c(1,4,5,9,6,7)] promoter <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(genes)[1],ncol = dim(genes)[2])) promoter[,c(1,4,5,6)] <- genes[,c(1,4,5,6)] for (i in 1:dim(promoter)[1]) { if(promoter[i,6] == ' '){ if ((as.numeric(genes[i,2])-2000) >= 0){ promoter[i,2] <- as.numeric(genes[i,2])-2000 }else{ promoter[i,2] <- 0 } promoter[i,3] <- as.numeric(genes[i,2]) 2000 } else if(promoter[i,6] == '-'){ if ((as.numeric(genes[i,3])-2000) >= 0){ promoter[i,2] <- as.numeric(genes[i,3])-2000 }else{ promoter[i,2] <- 0 } promoter[i,3] <- as.numeric(genes[i,3]) 2000 } } write.table(genes,file = './data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.bed',sep = 't',col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE) write.table(promoter,file = './data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoter.bed',sep = 't',col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE) system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/sort-bed --max-mem 50G ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/fragments.tsv > ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_fragments.sort.bed') system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/sort-bed --max-mem 50G ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.sort.bed') system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/sort-bed --max-mem 50G ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoter.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoters.sort.bed') #Use bedmap command to calculate overlapping elements between indexes and fragment output files system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/bedmap --ec --delim "t" --echo --echo-map-id ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/promoters.sort.bed ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_fragments.sort.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_promoters_bc.bed') system('/data/User/sunym/software/BEDOPS/bin/bedmap --ec --delim "t" --echo --echo-map-id ./data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.sort.bed ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_fragments.sort.bed > ./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_genes_bc.bed') # load data #load scATAC peak filted barcode data barcodes <- read.table(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv',sep = 't',as.is = TRUE,header = FALSE)$V1 #import the bedmap outputs into the R genes.bc <- read.table(file = "./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_genes_bc.bed", sep = "t", as.is = c(4,7), header = FALSE) promoters.bc <- read.table(file = "./data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/atac_promoters_bc.bed", sep = "t", as.is = c(4,7), header = FALSE) #filter the barcode with bad quality bc <- genes.bc[,7] bc_split <- strsplit(bc,";") bc_split_vec <- unlist(bc_split) bc_counts <- table(bc_split_vec) bc_filt <- names(bc_counts)[bc_counts > 1500] barcodes <- intersect(bc_filt,barcodes) #use LIGER's makeFeatureMatrix function to calculate accessibility counts for gene body and promoter gene.counts <- makeFeatureMatrix(genes.bc, barcodes) promoter.counts <- makeFeatureMatrix(promoters.bc, barcodes) gene.counts <- gene.counts[order(rownames(gene.counts)),] promoter.counts <- promoter.counts[order(rownames(promoter.counts)),] PBMCs <- gene.counts promoter.counts colnames(PBMCs)=paste0("PBMC_",colnames(PBMCs)) #load scRNA-seq data PBMC.rna <- read10X(sample.dirs = './data/10k_pbmc/scRNA/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/',sample.names = 'rna') #create a LIGER object PBMC.data <- list(atac = PBMCs, rna = PBMC.rna) int.PBMC <- createLiger(PBMC.data) remove(list = ls()[ls() != 'int.PBMC']) gc() #normalize select gene and scale int.PBMC <- normalize(int.PBMC) int.PBMC <- selectGenes(int.PBMC, datasets.use = 2) int.PBMC <- scaleNotCenter(int.PBMC) #integrate NMF #suggest lambda suggestLambda(int.PBMC,lambda.test = seq(1,20,1),k = 25,num.cores = 10) #suggest k suggestK(object = int.PBMC,k.test = seq(10,30,1),lambda = 10,num.cores = 10,plot.log2 = FALSE) #lambda = 10,k = 25 int.PBMC <- optimizeALS(int.PBMC,k = 25,lambda = 10,max.iters = 30,thresh = 1e-06) #Quantile Normalization and Joint Clustering int.PBMC <- quantile_norm(int.PBMC,knn_k = 20,quantiles = 50,min_cells = 20,do.center = FALSE, max_sample = 1000,refine.knn = TRUE,eps = 0.9) int.PBMC <- louvainCluster(int.PBMC, resolution = 0.4) table([email protected]) #Visualization and Downstream Analysis int.PBMC <- runUMAP(int.PBMC) all.plots <- plotByDatasetAndCluster(int.PBMC, axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'),return.plots = TRUE) head(all.plots[[1]]$data) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/plot_by_dataset_and_cluster.pdf',width = 8,height = 4) all.plots[[1]] all.plots[[2]] dev.off() #identify marker genes for each cluster int.PBMC.wilcoxon <- runWilcoxon(int.PBMC, data.use = 'all', compare.method = 'clusters') #filter the enriched gene yourself int.PBMC.wilcoxon <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$padj < 0.05,] int.PBMC.wilcoxon <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$logFC > 3,] #top 20 markers of cluster 3 and 4 wilcoxon.cluster_3 <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$group == 3, ] wilcoxon.cluster_3 <- wilcoxon.cluster_3[order(wilcoxon.cluster_3$padj), ] markers.cluster_3 <- wilcoxon.cluster_3[1:20, ] wilcoxon.cluster_4 <- int.PBMC.wilcoxon[int.PBMC.wilcoxon$group == 4, ] wilcoxon.cluster_4 <- wilcoxon.cluster_4[order(wilcoxon.cluster_4$padj), ] markers.cluster_4 <- wilcoxon.cluster_4[1:20, ] #feature plot on umap # CD8A for cluster 2 and CD79A for cluster 4 CD8A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "CD8A", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) CD79A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "CD79A", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/marker_for_cluster_3_and_4.pdf',width = 9,height = 6) plot_grid(CD8A[[2]],CD79A[[2]],CD8A[[1]],CD79A[[1]], ncol=2) dev.off() #gene loading plot # gene loading plot of factor12 all.plots <- plotGeneLoadings(int.PBMC, return.plots = TRUE,do.spec.plot = FALSE) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/gene_loading_factor_18.pdf') all.plots[[18]] dev.off() # feature plot TCL1A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "TCL1A", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) RPS9 <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "RPS9", axis.labels = c('UMAP 1', 'UMAP 2'), return.plots = TRUE) pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/RPS9_TCL1A_plot_for_RNA_and_ATAC.pdf',width = 9,height = 6) plot_grid(RPS9[[2]],TCL1A[[2]],RPS9[[1]],TCL1A[[1]], ncol=2) dev.off() # Pseudo single multi-omic data (scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq) #load scATAC peak data barcodes <- read.table(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv',sep = 't',as.is = TRUE,header = FALSE)$V1 barcodes <- paste('PBMC',barcodes,sep = '_') peak.names <- read.table(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/peaks.bed', sep = 't', header = FALSE) peak.names <- paste0(peak.names$V1, ':', peak.names$V2, '-', peak.names$V3) pmat <- readMM(file = './data/10k_pbmc/scATAC/filtered_peak_bc_matrix/matrix.mtx') colnames(pmat) <- barcodes rownames(pmat) <- peak.names pmat <- pmat[,colnames([email protected]$atac)] #cell-type-specific accessibility #create seurat for pmat pmat_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pmat,project = 'pmat') pmat_seurat <- NormalizeData(pmat_seurat, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000) pmat_seurat <- ScaleData(pmat_seurat, features = rownames(pmat_seurat)) cell_type <- [email protected] cell_type <- cell_type[colnames(pmat_seurat)] pmat_seurat$cell_type <- cell_type table(pmat_seurat$cell_type) Idents(pmat_seurat) <- 'cell_type' #find the DEPeak across the cluster pmat_marker <- FindAllMarkers(pmat_seurat, only.pos = TRUE, logfc.threshold = 0.25) pmat_marker <- pmat_marker[pmat_marker$p_val_adj < 0.05,] peaks.sel <- unique(pmat_marker$gene) #filter the pmat seurat object and scale the express pmat_seurat <- pmat_seurat[peaks.sel,] pmat_seurat <- NormalizeData(pmat_seurat, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000) pmat_seurat <- ScaleData(pmat_seurat, features = rownames(pmat_seurat),do.center = FALSE) #filter the pmat object to impute the RNA-seq cell's ATAC peaks pmat <- pmat[peaks.sel,] int.PBMC.ds <- int.PBMC [email protected][['atac']] <- pmat int.PBMC.ds <- normalize(int.PBMC.ds) #predict the accessibility profile for scRNA-seq data int.PBMC.ds <- imputeKNN(int.PBMC.ds, reference = 'atac',queries = 'rna',knn_k = 20,norm = TRUE,scale = FALSE) #find peaks and genes strongly corrected gmat = [email protected][['rna']] pseudo_pmat = [email protected][['rna']] regnet = MyLinkGenesAndPeaks(gene_counts = gmat, peak_counts = pseudo_pmat, dist = 'spearman', alpha = 0.05, path_to_coords = './data/10k_pbmc/annotation/genes.bed',peak_range = 500000) which(regnet[,'TCL1A'] > 0.6) saveRDS(regnet,file = './res/fig_201112/regnet.rds') #convert to seurat and plot tsne.obj <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = [email protected][colnames(pmat_seurat),], key = "UMAP_",global = TRUE) pmat_seurat[['tsne']] <- tsne.obj TCL1A <- plotGene(int.PBMC, "TCL1A", axis.labels = c('UMAP_1', 'UMAP_2'), return.plots = TRUE) peak1 <- FeaturePlot(pmat_seurat,features = 'chr14:95456861-95457458',reduction = 'tsne') pdf(file = './res/fig_201112/high_related_peak_gene_dimplot.pdf',width = 9,height = 9) peak1[[1]] / TCL1A[[2]] dev.off()