采用宏基因组技术及基因组测序等手段,来发现难培养或不可培养微生物中的天然产物以及处于“沉默”状态的天然产物. 宏基因组不依赖于微生物的分离与培养,因而减少了由此带来的瓶颈问题.
宏基因组学(metagenomic)是在微生物基因组学的基础上发展起来的一种研究微生物多样性、开发新的生理活性物质(或获得新基因)的新理念和新方法。其主要含义是 对特定环境中全部为生物的总DNA(也称宏基因组,metagenomic)进行克隆,并通过构建宏基因组文库和筛选等手段获得新的生理活性物质;或者根据rDNA数据库设计引物,通过系统学分析获得该环境中微生物的遗传多样性和分子生态学信息。
目前的宏基因组学的研究中,·科学家一直关注如何从宏基因组测序所得到的短序列数据中准确估计微生物多样性和丰度。目前的分类方法在处理越来越多的大数据的时候显得力不从心。之前,我们实验室其他实验室合作做的宏基因组的项目中,对方采用的是从群落中扩初16s rRNA,然后做分类。大家都知道16s rRNA的分辨率其实不是很高,估计到属这样的水平,就不容易往下细分了。
最近nature method上发表一篇关于meta-genomics的文章。它里面介绍的一种方法大致如下:
首先从全基因组数据库中找出clade-specific marker genes,然后利用这个marker genes的数据库对高通量测序得到的shotgun序列进行注释。这种方法既准确,又快速,比较巧妙。用这种方法可以注释到细菌和古菌的species级别,并且可以准确估计物种的细胞相对丰度而不仅仅是序列相对丰度。
MetaPhlAn is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data. MetaPhlAn relies on unique clade-specific marker genes identified from 3,000 reference genomes, allowing:
- up to 25,000 reads-per-second (on one CPU) analysis speed (orders of magnitude faster compared to existing methods);
- unambiguous taxonomic assignments as the MetaPhlAn markers are clade-specific;
- accurate estimation of organismal relative abundance (in terms of number of cells rather than fraction of reads);
- species-level resolution for bacterial and archaeal organisms;
- extensive validation of the profiling accuracy on several synthetic datasets and on thousands of real metagenomes.
Metagenomic microbial community profiling using unique clade-specific marker genes
Nicola Segata, Levi Waldron, Annalisa Ballarini, Vagheesh Narasimhan, Olivier Jousson & Curtis Huttenhower
Metagenomic shotgun sequencing data can identify microbes populating a microbial community and their proportions, but existing taxonomic profiling methods are inefficient for increasingly large data sets. We present an approach that uses clade-specific marker genes to unambiguously assign reads to microbial clades more accurately and >50× faster than current approaches. We validated our metagenomic phylogenetic analysis tool, MetaPhlAn, on terabases of short reads and provide the largest metagenomic profiling to date of the human gut. It can be accessed athttp://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/metaphlan/.