(译者注:可以先参考这两篇文章:1)本地blast 2)perl脚本提取BLAST结果中的信息【以tblastn为例】 )
bioperl有很多序列分析软件的接口,这意味着可以用bioperl来运行其他序列分析程序,更确切地说,可以提取程序运行结果并进行分析。在这里让我们来用最常用的序列分析软件,BLAST,作举例说明。首先要获取并安装BLAST (ftp)。(译者注:BLAST+和BLAST有很大的不同,此文默认使用的是BLAST。)然后用formatdb将序列文件索引并生成的一个叫“db.fa”的数据库文件,然后再看下面的代码。
use Bio::Seq; use Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast; $blast_obj = Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast->new(-program => 'blastn', -database => 'db.fa')); $seq_obj = Bio::Seq->new(-id =>"test query", -seq =>"TTTAAATATATTTTGAAGTATAGATTATATGTT"); $report_obj = $blast_obj->blastall($seq_obj); $result_obj = $report_obj->next_result; print $result_obj->num_hits;
blastall()方法是核心,运行BLAST并提取运行结果。blastall生成的结果是一个“report”对象。利用这个对象,可以按照自己的需求访问或输出结果中的数据。report对象($report_obj)和result对象($result_obj)都来自SearchIO模块。后面的SearchIO HOWTO会更详细的介绍如何从这些对象中提取分析数据。
use Bio::SearchIO; $report_obj = new Bio::SearchIO(-format => 'blast', -file => 'report.bls'); while( $result = $report_obj->next_result ) { while( $hit = $result->next_hit ) { while( $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) { if ( $hsp->percent_identity > 75 ) { print "Hit\t", $hit->name, "\n", "Length\t", $hsp->length('total'), "\n", "Percent_id\t", $hsp->percent_identity, "\n"; } } } }
有时候使用Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast的时候会出现一些错误。(译者注:后面的就不翻译了,主要是说使用bioperl调用BLAST等其他程序时会有可能出错之类。我的经验是,Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast只适用于UNIX/LINUX系统下能直接在终端运行BLAST相关命令的情况(复制相关程序到/usr/bin/或设定PATH profile)。Windows下没成功经验,有兴趣的自己搜一下。建议不用Bioperl调用外部程序,可如上面第二个例子,先用blast生成结果,然后再用bioperl提取结果中想要的部分。)
Sometimes you’ll see errors when you try to use Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast that have nothing to do with Bioperl. Make sure that BLAST is set up properly and running before you attempt to script it using Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast. There are some notes on setting up BLAST in the INSTALL file.
Bioperl enables you to run a wide variety of bioinformatics programs but in order to do so, in most cases, you will need to install the accessory bioperl-run package. In addition there is no guarantee that there is a corresponding parser for the program that you wish to run, but parsers have been built for the most popular programs. You can find the bioperl-run package on the download page.