FASTX-Toolkit是一款用于处理Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ文件的程序,里面包含了丰富的FASTA/FASTQ文件格式转换、统计等命令。
- FASTQ-to-FASTA converter (FASTQ转换成Fasta)Convert FASTQ files to FASTA files.
- FASTQ Information(FastQ质量统计图、核酸长度分布)Chart Quality Statistics and Nucleotide Distribution
- FASTQ/A CollapserCollapsing identical sequences in a FASTQ/A file into a single sequence (while maintaining reads counts)
- FASTQ/A Trimmer (去掉FASTA/FASTQ中barcode序列)Shortening reads in a FASTQ or FASTQ files (removing barcodes or noise).
- FASTQ/A Renamer(批量对FASTA/FASTQ序列重命名)Renames the sequence identifiers in FASTQ/A file.
- FASTQ/A Clipper(去掉FASTA/FASTQ中接头序列)Removing sequencing adapters / linkers
- FASTQ/A Reverse-ComplementProducing the Reverse-complement of each sequence in a FASTQ/FASTA file.
- FASTQ/A Barcode splitterSplitting a FASTQ/FASTA files containning multiple samples
- FASTA Formatterchanges the width of sequences line in a FASTA file
- FASTA Nucleotide ChangerConvets FASTA sequences from/to RNA/DNA
- FASTQ Quality FilterFilters sequences based on quality
- FASTQ Quality TrimmerTrims (cuts) sequences based on quality
- FASTQ MaskerMasks nucleotides with 'N' (or other character) based on quality