CGView Server:环形基因组可视化比较工具

CGView是一种画图工具,生成展示序列特性、基本组成片段、分析相似片段的圆形基因图解图,需要提供的序列为raw、FASTA、GenBank和EMBL格式, 另增加特性或者分析信息请在提交的GFF文件中添加相关信息。此服务使用blast比对相似序列从而建立三组比较基因组或者基因组序列套件。 blast比对结果和特性信息转换到展示整个序列或者扩展更多细节的趣味片段区域的基因图解图中。 特性的展示和怎么来绘制可以通过一些选项来控制。该服务显示与细菌、质粒、叶绿体、线粒体基因组有关的特性,帮助鉴定基因组储存段、举证基因水平转运和找出基因复制数量不同的图谱。由于收集的序列可被也在比较基因组,图谱可被用在读取新获取的序列被已知基因组覆盖的可视区域 。

CGView Server:环形基因组可视化比较工具


The CGView Server is a comparative genomics tool for circular genomes (plasmid, bacterial, mitochondrial, and chloroplast) that allows sequence feature information to be visualized in the context of sequence analysis results. A genome sequence is supplied to the program in FASTA, GenBank, EMBL, or raw format. Up to three comparison sequences (or sequence sets) in FASTA format can also be submitted. The CGView Server uses BLAST to compare the genome sequence to the comparison sequences, and then converts the results and any available feature information (from the GenBank, EMBL, or optional GFF file) or analysis information (from an optional GFF file) into a high-quality graphical map showing the entire genome sequence, or a zoomed view of a region of interest. Several options are available for specifying how the BLAST comparisons are conducted, and for controlling how results are displayed.


相关文献:Grant JR, Stothard P (2008) The CGView Server: a comparative genomics tool for circular genomes. Nucleic Acids Res 36:W181-W184.


